Christian Pastor Cruz Molina
3 min readOct 13, 2020


On Book marketing

I´ve been working in press industry for 20 years now, in a position now know as growth hacker: I was the engineer in the marketing team.

I´ve learned a lot about the industry over the years, and some younglings started to seek my advice lately.

Books on sale, selling books

The guideline I found my self telling more often is: put your self in the shoes of the customer, not only as a way of thinking.

Of course, Im not saying they should take a pair from some user wardrove and walk a mile on them: I mean you should buy what you are selling, find out what mede you chose that seller, product, and if theres any, what could make you refrain from the deal.

Also, keep in mind that as a marketing professional, most of times you’ll be selling… sales. Weel, more like like leads, but you get the picture. So, following the same logic, you should try your tools from both sides of the ecuation.

Case of study AdWords

Now renamed asGoogle Ads, they are still the braead and butter of the digital marketer. Lets cut to the chase: to really master AdWords, you should first master AdSense.

AdSense, in case you don´t know is the network you can use to put adwords display ads in your sites, earning money by doing so. Is the exact oposite of adWords so, what good could make learn about it to perfect your advertising skills? a lot. First, you’ll learn how your budget is spent in a given site, then you I’ll find yourself improving your ads and adplacements to get a bigger CTR as a publisher, which allow you to avoid waste in your own campaigns.

The possibilities are endless.

To learn how to sell books, write one an sell it

Thats it: that resume what I want to say with this article.

I´ve been selling books of math, taxes and many other subjects, and I never came to understand the fine points of book marketing, until I wrote a short stories’ book and tried to sell it.

You will find some links below to sites you can post your books for free, and give them some juice. Everything else if of to you.

